We stock a range of pottery tools for you to use on your creative clay journey.
Many of our brushes can be purchased online - just follow the link in the item
A large range of beautiful brushes for glaze, slip, and underglaze application, including: Hake Brushes Glaze Mops Liners
Goat Hair Hake
These lovely goat-hair bamboo hake brushes come in three sizes - 25mm, 40mm, and 60mm. $20.00 - $28.00 Purchase in-store or online at:
Goat Hair Mop
These goat hair mop brushes are super soft and will give a very smooth glaze or slip finish. They come in three sizes - 1", 3/4", and 1/2". $28.00 - $32.00 Purchase in-store or online at:
Ox Tail Hake
These beautiful little brushes are made of Ox Tail and will give a very smooth finish. They come in three sizes - 20mm, 30mm, 40mm. $24.00 - 28.00 Purchase in-store or on-line at: